Thursday 15 October 2015



Satya Nadella’s life and work ethics :

Satya Nadella was born in Hyderabad in 1967. He was a typical young and highly intelligent boy. He represented his Hyderabad public school in cricket. He says that cricket taught him to work in team and also gained leadership qualities. He studied B.E. at Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal. This Universities motto was ‘knowledge is power’ which was belived and imbibed by him in his life. In 1990 Nadella left for America to pursue MS in Computer Science from the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee.

He was perusing MBA from University of Chicago Booth College of Business and at that point of time he got job offer from Microsoft as Program Manager in the Windows Developer Relations group. He soon rose to the position of senior vice president service division, then to Vice president of the Microsoft Business Solutions Groups and very soon became President of the $19 billion Microsoft Service and Tools Business. He worked on many online projects which led to Microsoft dominating the cloud market.

 He emphasized the need to always learn new things to his employees and told them that he always bought more books then he could read and he enrolled in more online courses than he could finish. With this we can say that he lived up to the principle of the motto ‘knowledge is Power’ which helped him to gain prestigious position as CEO of  Microsoft on 4th February 2014 for his dedicated work.

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