Thursday 15 October 2015



The important point to be considered in civic sense is gender equality. In India, a society that has a skewed gender ratio that favours men, there is a notable element of disrespect. Indian women, daily are harassed. This harassment comes in many forms, from starting to lewd and lecherous comments to physically groping or attacking a woman. It is not uncommon to find in the newspapers a report of an Indian man or group of men abusing a woman – the most notable incident involving the women in Delhi who was raped and physically abused by a gang of men.  The woman died from her injuries and the world media focused on the issue that seems to be prevalent all across India. Foreigners now show a reluctance to visit the country, especially due to the potential risks women face. Protests have been held and laws are being passed, but the issue still requires a tremendous amount of work and education. It is up to us, as a community, to see to it that everyone is on an equal footing and that everyone is treated with the same level of grace, respect and care. Without civic sense, an individual is no better than a barbarian, and can have a determental effect on society.
Measures to be taken by a consumer in order to avoid being affected by synthetic coloring :

·        Be an informed consumer. Always read the product information when you buy a new product. Remember that you are entitled to as much information as you want before you purchase a product.
·        Find out if any of the products you use contain any food colouring.
·        Ensure that you use standardized products. These products generally have to meet guidelines prescribed by the government.
·        Check if products that use natural coloring are available and try using those only.
·        Reduce your intake of junk food.
·        Eat home-made, fresh food to stay fit and healthy.
·        Use juice of vegetables like spinach, red cabbage beetroot and turmeric to add color to your food.

Common summary on civic sense
civic sense is nothing but social ethics. It is consideration by the people for the unspoken norms of society. A lot of people assume that civic sense is just about keeping the road, streets and public property clean. But civic sense is more than that. It is respect for fellow men and maintaining decorum in public places. A lot of foreign countries function on a smooth manner because of the strong civic sense amongst its people.
Separatism, vandalism, intolerance, racism, road rage etc. are all example of lack of civic sense. People are becoming less and less tolerant of each other. when civic sense is absent in a society, it leads to cause for lacking civic sense. A person who has high civic values does not resort to shortcuts and unethical tactics to get his work done.
There are spit marks, urine, vulgar graphics, random garbage and overflowing sewers at every nook and corner of India. No district in our state has managed to fight the menace. It is easy to pin everything on the government, but people must first question themselves and their own civic sense. Roads are not dirty because nobody cleaned it, but because somebody dirtied it.  Inspite of knowing the harmful effects, people are continuing to indulge in some behavior.
Only one thing can make India great i.e. teaching civic sense to the children. Encourage them to mix with people from different backgrounds and as India is a mix of a variety of people and patience and tolerance in your child will make him more accepted and respected.

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