Wednesday 14 October 2015

Martin Luther King (Ls:3-DEGREE SECOND YEAR -OU)

 Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King was brought up in the Church and there he was taught all spiritual ethics and equality. He was dishearten by the discrimination done by the whites over the blacks in America. He decided to remove this discrimination from America. During that period in India Gandhiji adopted non-violence policy to fight against British and discrimination for untouchables. Martin Luther King was inspired by the philosophy of non-violence propagated by Gandhiji. King adopted non-violence and started revolution against discrimination with love and hope. This revolution continued for many years and thus successes. In 1963 he addressed 2,50,000 Americans of all races who participated in the ‘March to Washington’. He had protested for so many rules but was carrying a weapon ‘non-violence’ to fight for the segregation and discrimination of blacks. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for peace in 1964 at the age of 35 being the youngest one to achieve this award as a peaceful warrior.