Tuesday 13 October 2015

THE OPEN WINDOW – saki (LS: 9.degree second year -ou)



            The ‘OPEN WINDOW’ written by Saki is a short story. Veera is a 15 years old girl who was the story teller. She was very clever, resourceful and naughty. She was very good fabricator.


            Mr. Nuttel Framton, a young man was received by Vera. She deceived him by telling false story about her aunt. She told him that her aunt’s husband and her two brothers had gone out with their dog for hunting three years ago and never came back and they are dead but, Mrs. Sappleton kept the window open always thinking that they will return one day. She told the story in such a way that framton believed it. He gave horrible expression when Mrs. Sappleton said that her husband and brothers would be home soon from the shooting.
            Veera was a good actor, when Mr. Sappleton was coming from the window she expressed as though dead person were coming. With this Mr. Framton believed them to be ghost and without waiting even a second he dashed outside the house.


            This story shows Veera’s remarkable ability to create convincing fiction, instantly and crack practical jokes.

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