Thursday 22 October 2020

Summary Women not the Weaker Sex – MK. Gandhi



Summary Ls-2 Women not the Weaker Sex – MK. Gandhi



Gandhi was a ceaseless crusader of women’s rights. He had great belief in the abilities of women. He brought the women out of their homes and made them equal to men in all fields. He always advised the people to accept women as equal partners. Woman was not a man’s play thing. What a woman wants is her birthright to be free and equal. In short, she needs education the most.

Gandhi says that women have the birth to be free and equal. She is fit for any position in life. Gandhi brought women out of their homes and made them take part in all walks of life. Thousands of women took leading roles in freedom movements under his guidance. Basically men and women are one and so their problems must be one. The two live the same life and have the same feelings. One cannot live without the other. According to Gandhi, “women do not belong to the weaker sex” it is the nobler of the two. To call women the weaker sex is a libel.

It is man’s injustice to women.

 Gandhi relates Ahimsa and Satyagraha to women. Ahimsa means infinite love and infinite capacity for suffering. A women shows love in the largest measure. She shows it as the carries the infant and feeds it. She suffers daily so that her baby is happy. Gandhi believes that woman is the symbol of Ahimsa. They can transfer that love to the whole of humanity.

Satyagraha means the way of truth. Gandhi believed that god has sent women as messengers of non-violence. This is because a woman alone has the qualities of sacrifice and silent suffering. Sacrifice and silent suffering are very important for Satyagraha. Women are more non-violent. Gandhi believed that non-violence and women can solve all the problems of the world. Women he positive attitude and this attitude is closely connected with non-violence. In short, women and non-violence walk hand in hand. If the women of Asia wake up, they can surprise the world.


To call woman the weaker sex is a libel; it is man’s injustice to woman. If by strength is meant brute strength, then, indeed, is woman less brute than man. If by strength is meant moral power, then woman is immeasurably man’s superior. Without her, man could not be. If nonviolence is the law of our being, the future is with woman. Gandhi often blamed women for their slavish mentality. They seemed to have accepted this slavery of man. They have great powers. They can display heroic non-violence. They are gifted by God. Gandhi says that a woman is a great treasure lying buried in a corner of our house.


A woman is a symbol of self-sacrifice but, she does not understand what great advantage she has over man. If we want to spread the principle of non-violence, women have to play a great role. She can play a very important role in establishing peace.

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