Thursday 22 October 2020




Answers to important questions

Ls-4. My Last Duchess

  1. Who is the speaker in my las duches ?   Ans: The speaker of “My Last Duchess” is an Italian duke, the Duke of Ferrara. He’s showing a picture of his late wife, the last duchess, to an emissary of a Count, whose daughter the Duke wishes to.
  2. Describe the behavior of the last duchess. Ans: The duke wants to justify killing the young duchess, but he instead manages to show her as a sweet and loving person whom we might enjoy meeting if she were still alive.
  3. How is power presented in “My Last Duchess”? Ans: “My Last Duchess” is about the power that the speaker, a Duke, had and still has over his dead wife, the eponymous Duchess. The Duke keeps a painting of the Duchess behind a curtain which “none

Ls-8. The Verger

  1. What was Albert Foreman’s profession? Ans: Albert foreman was the Verger of St. Peter’s church, Neville Square. He had been working as a verger for 16 years. He started his career as a page boy. Then he became first footman from the fourth and then worked as a butler in aristocratic houses. Foreman took pride in being Verger of the sophisticated church, St. Peter’s, Neville Square.
  2. Why does the new vicar want Foreman to leave his position? Ans:The new vicar says that a reputed church like St. Peter’s cannot have an illiterate verger. He says that they can’t take the risk of some accident that might happen because of verger’s ignorance. It’s the matter of church’s reputation. So the vicar wants Foreman to learn to read and write. But as Foreman is reluctant to learn, the vicar has asked him to leave his position. He strongly believes that an illiterate cannot be a verger of a reputed church.
  3. How does Foreman expand his business?Ans:  Foreman starts his life as a tobacconist after he gets relieved as a verger. In a year, he is able to make good money and he starts another shop in another lane. He appoints a manger there. Then he thinks that he can run more shops if he is able to run more than one. So, whenever he finds time, he walks the long lanes of London searching a street where there is no tobacco shop. Then he starts another shop there. This way, he is able to expand his business. He becomes the owner of ten shops in a span of ten years.


Ls-9. A Willing Slave

  1. What type of commitment does Thayi shows towards her husband? Ans:Thayi’s husband for most of her marriage has left her. Yet when he returns she accepts his arrival with open arms. Thayi is still committed to her husband despite the fact that he has abandoned her for so long. Thayi leaves her job as a servant to look after her husband which shows her commitment towards him. She feels that she must be there for him, even though her husband has not shown the same commitment to Thayi which she was showing him.
  2. How does Mistress treat Thayi? Ans: Thayi was treated by her mistress may also be important. When Thayi was missing for three days rather than being concerned about Thayi’s well-being her mistress was more concerned about why she wasn’t shown up to perform her duties. At all stages the mistress of the house thinks only of herself.
  3. Who is a willing slave? What was her work?Ans: Ayah/ Thayi is a willing slave. Ayah is known by no other name though she is serving the family for seventeen years. She maintains herself and her children by working in the employer’s family ‘for over twelve hours in the day’ getting ‘two meals a day, fifteen rupees a month and three saries a year’. She cheerfully performs, not only her job as Ayah for employer’s children, but also several self-imposed tasks, like keeping an eye on the home-tutor to ensure that he does not torture the children, and keeping watch over servants for which she is quite unpopular with them.

Ls-10. Julius Caesar

  1. Who was Julius Caesar?Ans:Julius Caesar, was a Roman statesman and military general who played a critical role in the events that led to the demise of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire. Thus, he became the most powerful man in the Roman Republic after the death of Pompey.
  2. Who killed Caesar?Ans: The assassination of Julius Caesar, which occurred on this day in 44 B.C., known as the Ides of March, came about as a result of a conspiracy by as many 60 Roman senators. Led by Cassius and Marcus Brutus, they fatally stabbed Caesar in Rome, near the Theatre of Pompey.
  3. What was the will of Caesar?Ans: Antony produces Caesar’s and descends from the pulpit to stand next to Caesar’s body. He describes Caesar’s horrible death and shows Caesar’s wounded body to the crowd. He then reads Caesar’s will, which bequeaths a sum of money to every citizen and orders that his private gardens be made public. The crowd becomes enraged that this generous man lies dead; calling Brutus and Cassius traitors, the masses set off to drive them from the city.

Ls-11. Macbeth

  1. Describe the first meeting of Macbeth with the witches?

    Answer) The witches met Macbeth for the first time in the blasted heath when Macbeth and Banquo were coming back after crushing a rebellion led by the Thane of Cawdor and assisted by the King of Norway. The first witch hailed Macbeth as the Thane of Glamis. The second witch called him the Thane of Cawdor and the third witch hailed him as the future King. Then turning to Banquo, the witches said that Banquo would be lesser than Macbeth yet greater, not so happy yet much happier, and he would be the father of future kings. Macbeth was amazed and puzzled at the prophecies and wondered how he could be the king when Duncan was living and having two sons to succeed him to the throne.

  2. “Macbeth is more guided by his wife and less by his ambition”–Do you support this statement? Give reasons.

    Answer) Though this is the general perception that Macbeth is more guided by his wife and less by his ambition, we think this statement is far away from the truth. If Macbeth did not have strong ambition within, his wife could not have instigated him to commit the murder of Duncan. In fact, Macbeth was planning so from the moment he was hailed by the witches as the King of Scotland. Later in the play Macbeth kills Banquo, Macduff’s family and other people without any instigation from Lady Macbeth. He is remorseless and remains self assured of his indestructibility. Therefore, though Lady Macbeth was responsible, it was Macbeth’s ambition which guided him throughout.

  3. What role does the witches play in “Macbeth”?

    Answer) The witches play a very important role in “Macbeth”. Had they not been there, perhaps, Macbeth’s ambition of becoming the king would have remained suppressed in his heart. The witches act as a catalyst and increase Macbeth’s desire. It is because of the witches that Macbeth decides so early to plunge into criminality and realize his ambitions. The witches first make Macbeth hope, then give him the confidence only to lead him slowly and steadily towards his tragedy. But the witches cannot be held absolutely responsible for Macbeth’s fall. Unlike Banquo, Macbeth could not show the strength of character and falls prey to the dark desires of his mind.


Ls-12. Merchant of Venice

  1. Where are Antonio and his friends? What does Antonio says about his sadness? Ans: Antonio and his friends are in a street in Venice. Antonio says that his sadness makes him depressed and dull. He further says that he is yet to learn about the origin and nature of his sadness.
  2. Give the conditions to which Antonio is bound. How wise was Antonio to bind himself to such conditions?

    Ans: Antonio is bound to a bond according to which if he fails to repay the amount in due time, Shylock will be entitled to take an exact pound of flesh from any part of Antonio’s body that he may wish. It was very unwise of Antonio to misjudge Shylock’s intentions and sign such a fatal bond.

  3. What is the lottery of Portia’s destiny? How does it prevent her from the right of voluntary choosing? Ans: Lottery of Portia’s destiny refers to the lottery devised according to her deceased father’s will. According to the lottery, each suitor has to choose from amongst the three caskets of gold, silver and lead the one containing Portia’s portrait. The suitor who will make the correct choice will win Portia’s hand in marriage. The Lottery of caskets designed by her father, Thus prevents Portia from exercising her freedom of choice. The suitor, who will make the right choice will win her as wife.


Ls-13. As You Like It

  1. Why does Oliver wish to see an end of Orlando ?Ans: Oliver suffers from avarice, malice and  jealousy, and hates his brother Orlando. Orlando is more popular and is loved by the people. His nobility and generosity are a threat to Oliver. Nothing would be better for Oliver than to see the death of  Olrlando at the wrestling match.
  2. How was the banished Duke and his followers live in the forest of Arden?Ans: in the forest of Arden the banished Duke and his followers lived a free and peaceful life. The life was more relaxing than the life of court. They spent their summer lying under the shade of the trees. They watched the playful sports of the forest-deer. When the cold winds of winter blew, the Duke would say that the chilling winds were his true counselors. They did not flatter, but represented his condition truly. He could draw lessons from nature and he found tongues in trees, books in flowing streams, sermons in stones and good in everything.
  3. Who were the tow participants in the wrestling match? Whom did Celia and Rosalind try to dissuade? What was the result?Ans: The two participants in the wrestling match were an inexperienced young man called Orlando and an experienced wrestler.Celia and Rosalind tried to dissuade Orlando from the wrestling match.Though Rosalind and Celia requested Orlando not to take part in the wrestling match, he refused to listen to them. He argued that he would not feel ashamed if he was defeated by his antagonist and if he would die there was none to lament for his death. But ultimately making everyone surprised, the young man performed wonders. He defeated his opponent in such a way that he could not even talk for sometime. Rosalind gave his the chain from her neck in recognition of his success.



SECTION A (10*2=20M)


Ls-1 . How to be a Doctor

  1. What progress does Stephen Leacock tells about science?
  2. What were the diseases which were eradicated 100 years ago?
  3. How the fever was cured 70 years ago?
  4. How much time it takes to become a Doctor?

Ls-2. My Visions for India

  1. What was Abdul Kalam’s first vision?
  2. What was Abdul Kalam’s Second vision?
  3. What did Abdul Kalam invent on the request of an Orthopedic Surgeon?

Ls-3. Woman, not the weaker sex

  1. What are the noble qualities of women?
  2. Is it right to say that women are the weaker sex?
  3. Why didn’t women know their traits and strengths?
  4. What is the solution to make women powerful?

Ls-5. The Toys

  1. Why did the father scold his son?
  2. Where was the son weeping?
  3. What comforted the child?
  4. Why did the father do all night ?

Ls-6. I, too

  1. Whose problems and difficulties were discussed in Poem ‘I Too’?
  2. Where should the African American eat earlier?
  3. Who will recognize the beauty and vitality of Blacks?

Ls-7. The Best Investment I ever made

  1. The narrator observed the man and described him in vivid terms. How did he describe him?
  2. What did Cronin learn about the man after questioning him further?
  3. Why does the author say that it was the best investment he had ever made?



  1. What should be done immediately to make women equal and powerful?
  2. Explain in detail Abdul Kalam visions.
  3. Summarize Stephen Leacock’s how to be a Doctor.


  1. How did Coventry Patmore explain the mercy of God through an incident?
  2. Explain Langston Hughes’s poem ‘I Too’.
  3. How does Browning show the relationships between men and women in `My Last Duchess?`


  1. Why does A.J.Cronin describe his investment ‘the best’?
  2. What was Albert Foreman’s profession? What did Foreman wanted to become? Illistrate the Verger story.            
  3. Explain how the Ayya served in the master’s house? What did she do with her salary and why did she went with her husband.


  1. Give the Characteristic sketch of Julius Caesar and Brutus
  2. Briefly explain what happens in Julius Caesar?
  3. Summarize the play Macbeth.
  4. Give the Characteristic sketch of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth.


  1. Explain the play ‘Merchant of Venice’ of william Shakespeare.
  2. Briefly explain the characters of Antonio, Bassanio and Portia.
  3. Describe the play ‘As you Like it’.
  4. Explain Rosalind, Orlando and Oliver from the play As you like it.

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