Tuesday 3 December 2019

Ls. 7 My Brother My Brother - Norah Bruke - summary

Ls. 7 My Brother My Brother - Norah Bruke


                             My Brother, My Brother is a story written by Norah Burke. She was born in Bedford on August 2, 1997. Her father George Burke ,was a forest officer that's why she spent the next twelve years traveling around the jungle at the foothills of the Himalayas. She started writing at the age of eight. 'My Brother My Brother' is a story of a one young brave boy and about the conditions of tribal and poor people who lived in jungle. We know that they don't have facilities of hospitals or any kind of vehicle.



           Sher singh was only twelve years old and his brother was younger than Sher singh. He had many Brothers and sisters but they dead, carried off by cholera and influenza. Now there were only two of them. Sher singh and kuwar. In the beginning of the story it was found that Sher Singh's Brother' was suffering from stomach pain. Sher Singh and his mother tried a lot to cure kunwar  but they were unsuccessful.  When his mother said that "He must be carried to the hospital at kalaghat”, Then Sher singh understood that his brother kuwar was going to dying and Hospital was the last option for jungle peoples. Sher singh was about to run to call his father, the mother stops him saying that he cannot reach him as he was deep in the jungle for hunting.

Sher singh carried his brother to the hospital of Kalaghat, on the way of Hospital he faced many  problem. There was no road in the jungle. He had to cross two river without any support. He did not care of himself and tries hard to save his younger Brother's life. Sher Singh started for alight carrying his brother. He was walking through the jungle. He saw a cobra on the path. He stood still and the cobra slipped off into the grass. He became normal again and he walked on.
Sheer Singh was on his way to Callaghan carrying his brother. He was walking through the forest. He was tired. He lay against a tree with his eyes shut. Then he heard the sound of elephants. They came near him. It would be dangerous if he shouted. He was to the river bed. Later the elephant’s disappeared. He was relieved. Later he uttered a prayer of thanks and crossed the first river.

Towards midnight Sher Singh heard the second river ahead of him. He reached the second river ahead of him. He reached the river. It was full of water. The bridge moved like a monster. There was water over the rope round his brother and himself to keep themselves together. He kept his brother’s head above water and began to cross the river.

At the end of the story when he wake up he finds that he was in the hospital. He had no money. Every morning he went to the railway yard to get the work of loading coal. He labored all day and earned money to prepare food.


The story is about the life in the jungle. It is dangerous to live in a jungle. People have to fight for life. They have no medical facility. People die of diseases like cholera, influenza and such. Some are killed by cruel animals. Sher Singh’s father has a scar on his body. It has been made by the claws of a tiger. Shersingh was very much afraid when he sees a cobra and elephants in the jungle. He finds it difficult to cross the river when he is on the way to Kalaghat. Norah Bruke  works reflect her experience and life in jungle. The story ‘My Brother’ is all about the heroism of a jungle boy.

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